Medium and large mammals from a locality in the Cerrado of northwest Minas Gerais, Brazil


  • Rafael Souza Laurindo Instituto Sul Mineiro de Estudos e Conservação da Natureza, Monte Belo, MG, Brazil


Palabras clave:

Agricultural mosaic, Brazilian Savanna, Camera trap, Inventory, Seasonality


The Brazilian Cerrado is the second largest biome in the country, covering around 200 million hectares. The combination of a high taxonomic richness, elevated species endemism, and high degree of threat makes the Cerrado one of the world's hotspots for biodiversity conservation. Cerrado is home to a high mammal species richness, with 251 species, of which 22 are considered endemic. However, the biome is at the center of the expansion of Brazilian agriculture, concentrating the largest portion of national grain production, which has led to high rates of deforestation due to the conversion of native habitats into pastures and agricultural land. In this context, I present data from monitoring medium and large-sized mammals on a private property formed by a mosaic of native vegetation and anthropogenic areas in the northwest of Minas Gerais, southeast of Brazil. Sampling was carried out between June 2021 and November 2022, totaling 42 days of sampling, using different non-invasive methodologies. A total of 24 species of mammals were recorded, including top predators, such as Puma concolor and Leopardus pardalis, which play critical roles in regulating ecosystems and food web dynamics. We have also recorded species vulnerable to extinction, such as Chrysocyon brachyurus and Tapirus terrestris. Moreover, no differences were found in the species composition recorded between the dry and rainy seasons. The study area covers a great diversity of natural and anthropogenic habitats that provide shelter and food for fauna, supporting a rich assemblage of medium and large-sized mammals.


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Cómo citar

Laurindo, R. S. (2024). Medium and large mammals from a locality in the Cerrado of northwest Minas Gerais, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Mammalogy, (93), e932024139.